INTRODUCTION- It's a Indian horror story based a spirit board...The revenge of the spirit....
At a antique store.................Wow! These are awesome...Let me click some photos of it...said Ridhima. She walked beside the shelves for looking the best antiques. While roaming he came across a box containing a spirit board which was attracted by her. A sudden spooky face came infront her.."Ohh god! What's this!"she exclaimed with fear. Viraj opened the mask from his face."How was my frank?"he said. "Ohh! Gosh I was just completely shocked, btw look at this! This an amazing spirit board...I will buy this."she said. Viraj told "What a useless thing!" Ridhima went to the shopkeeper and asked for the cost."Umm, its only 6000 rupees."the shopkeeper told her. "Okay fine" she paid the shopkeeper.
(That night) The four friends Ridhima,Navya,Viraj and Yash arranged a get together in Ridhima's mansion. They were taking and enjoying,suddenly navya's eyes fell on the spirit board...she came close and try to see that closely. "Rhidima, you have spirit never told us before" said navya."Oh! Yeah, I just bought it today and I was just wanted to tell you guys that today's night we are going to play it but I totally forget about it " said Ridhima. "Fine, so without any delay lets play it...I am so exited" Yash told. They arranged the set up for playing the game...they light up candles around the table where the spirit board was kept.
"Let me tell you the rules of playing this game, you have take the cylindrical container which contains dice of alphabets and you have to shuffle it 5 times and drop them on the board. You guys have to close your eyes and ask any question to the spirit and the spirit will answer you by arranging the letters into words." Ridhima exclaimed. Everyone agreed...
Everyone-"So now let the game begin" "So first me" ....Ridhima shuffled the dice of letters and drop them.... "The question, when I will die?" "Everyone close your eyes"...Ridhima waited until evryone closed their eyes.. She wanted to do a little prank so she sneakingly arranged the dice. "Okay so now everyone can open their eyes" ridhima said. "Ohh! just see! here is written "now", that means the spirit is answering to our questions" nivya said. "Oh my god its means ridhima will die now really " Viraj exclained. Ridhima was like busting out laughing..."Ahh!!Ahh!! " Ridhima acted like someone was trying to kill her by pressing her neck . Everone- "Ohh! Are you feeling well should we call the doctor"
Ridhima busted out laughing.."So Guys how was my prank?" she told them laughing. Navya said "ohh! Ridhima plss from now don't do this kind of dirty pranks" Everyone nodded. "Okay fine I will not..Now lets start the real game "
This time when ridhima again did that nothing nor a single word was formed. "I know these things are fake.. and nothing happens like spirits answer to our questions" Yash exclaimed with a bit irrited mood. "Yeah we all know these games are just for fun, nothing is gonna happen" Ridhima told everyone. Suddenly lights started blinking the lamp stick got broken into pieces and all the lights went off .."Guys can you hear someone's footstep?" Yash asked. "Yeah we can..."so spooky circumference started to begin...
When the lights came they saw someone standing on the stairs.."who are you?" Navya screamed. IT WAS RIDHIMA...with a scary look on her face...
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